a rush of time!!

lately, feeling tat time is somehow short n insufficient, perhaps... it's the exam that is forth-coming tat is lifting me up& down inside me...
just a note tat we shall n should be responsible to wat we do n say n think, if u wan to live successful n gloriously.. all these r little ingredients to keep ur days memorable,, maybe a mere peek at the old photos, or a memorisation of the time spent at tat particular Food court, or a fall over a troubling water.....
anyway, time seems to be playing a game with us, a game of choosing, a game of contradiction, or may be a game of searching/hunting.. a rat hunt, could be...
just wish tat time will be more gentle n friendlier as we move on knowingly n unknowingly.. ne it to good or the otherwise...
Proliferate to the One who sits on High............as the Great Help flows n strengthens n recuperates n heals.................
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