sch has already started n i enjoy every bit of it!! my cool n 向往辉煌灿烂 n happie life is back!!

as i anxiously anticipating the sch to restart, i readjusted my thinking n reconciled my thought n found out tat my life can be beautiful n can actually be a blessing to others, be it in sch, in workplc, in family, in social gathering, n even in the MRT when i can just offer my seat to the more needy ppl..
sch re-ignites my cool n purpose-driven life, makin me to strive to be a better n make me understand tat ppl need to have passion n compassion n these 2 qualities r the profound n great standards n i yearn to hv them.. ppl r weak sometimes, but we all need each other in 1 way or another.. we co-exist n blend into each other's world knowingly n unknowingly..
there r many ppl ard me, n i enjoy stayin with them every bit, n by just merely a little catch-up on how he/she has been recently makes the world go round n grow pretty.. i believe, deep down their hearts, they hav a sayin tat goes: let's be gd frenz n live the world in a happier n more peaceful n colorful community...
sch has piled me up with lots of homeworks,apart tat i am takin 24 AUs tis semester, a total of 9 subjects, n i believe i can do well. a strong belief!! all thanks to HIM who sits on High..
the sch rythem has catched me up, n i enjoy every bit of it!! my cool n 向往辉煌灿烂 n happie life is back!!
wish me well! u folks, n cu ard n catch a drink with u soon!! ha ahaa....
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