On 1st of October 2006!! Was super tiring after the hard work till 6am the next day!

01102006-China's National Day n at the same time, the Children's Day!! I will remember this day, for it gave me the shIOOOK sheer tiredness..
i worked through the night from 8pm to 6am, just to complete my sch 1000words assignment on tat BS203 on stem cells that was supposed to be due the next day,when dawn broke.
Luckily i was rite at making the decision to go back my hostel to work on this assginment, if not i would be afraid if i was able to complete in time the next day. Normally, i would go back the hostel on the Mondays, since my lesson on Monday starts late at 1030am. However, i was a litttle worried tat i might not be able to finish on times tat was due to hand in at 5pm sharp on the 2nd Oct,2006.
however, before this, on the same day, 1st Oct, 2006, Sunday morning, i had actually finished another more than 1000 word report on Working in the 21st Century tat is supposed to be due on tis coming tuesday. So u guys out there, can imagine how tired i was when i was to scribble through another sleepless nite just to complete tat BS203 assignment. Furthermore, i slept less than 5hrs tat sunday as i needed to attend church and i was in charge of playing drum-my favourite percussion. Playing drum gives me a way of relaxation, a form of transquility/serenery around me.
i was actually in awe to what i did on this spectacular suday..and now, i just finished my lesson and my fatigue from last 2 sleepless nite kicked in, n i think i need a tremendous sleep rite now.. ha haaaa.....
before i end...
......I sing for joy at the work of Your Hand! Forever...Forever... Nothing compares to the promise I have in You!......
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