holiday is short, will never ever be long, especially when is 1 week!!!!

had a week break last week, n was never ever feel like being recharged enough, as the holiday is supposed to re-charge the flat n low battery..i guess...
However, was having plenty of fun n memorable moments when hands are held tight n feets n heads bound in obedience n in accordance. what a great sight, one might think..
Yes, i indeed spent my 1 week break worthwhile, i believed. though there was little time for me revising my sch work when all my frenz ard me buzily creeping something out from their hoildays, i still managed to revise my Forensic lectures till the last lecture, n on that BS205. But come to think of it, i need to work harder n just wish tat my 2 eyes wun never rest or close to rest.. so tat i may have 24 hrs of vivid eyes n doing all the work i need to do..ha ahaa... dreaming off, i guess... but is a cool n great dream, i bet to agree..ha ahaaaa.....
However, It’s a bit of pity I didn’t manage to get to meet up with my frenz during the break, but I guess we’re all busy with different things. believe me, we’ll meet up after the exams!
Suddenly, I feel like going on a trip. To Somewhere..and to Anywhere...
Mount Fuji in snowy Japan! Yun Nam in tropical China! Sahara Dessert in cool India!! Venice River in romantic Italy..... i am coming!!!! yeah!!!! YEAH!!!
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