It's a little different now as compared to last time,precisely last semester!

perhaps, time can make a person grow stronger n bolder n more weather-resistant, in terms of his/her understanding n reaction towards life's common issues..
i feel tat i am a bit different now as compared to last year- my year1. i dun really know y, but there is this amazing calmness n transquility in me telling me to just move on n move forwards, be it the circumstances with my side or the opposite, as i see no point for me paving the way for others while they themselves r meant to go throu all these n face the reality...i believe tis could be wat is so-called a growing process whereby ppl fall n stand-up n then say to himself/herself," it's ok, let's move on."
we live our lives in our own n distinctive ways, but yet in our accountable n pleasing ways in the eye of the ONE who sits on HIGH..
i am actually a guy who is quiet n just like to idle around, a simple guy who like to relax around n think of the best ways out when comes to imagination n relaxation.. Opps! a bit of self-discovery here.. but, it's still a good piece of thought for ppl outside there thinkin tat i am a joker or somesort like a fun-maker..u r terribly wrong!!ha ahaa..
let's all move on n live our lives to who we r, n not whom we uglily disguise ourselves to be. it's tiring n disasterously rude to do so, when u hv a choice to be who u r, n yet u portray urself to be someone u r not, in the search for some pure n commercial market values..
be it u undertand wat i say above or not, i wish tat all my frenz r sincere n truthful n down-to-earth as we ought to be so..ha ahaaa...