it's been a while, but i am still here!!

I found that i hav tempers too, but i am controlling them better as the day goes by! Perhaps, it's a time of growing maturity, a good one though it still carries some rebellious resillience...
There is surly a purpose behind every encounter, n each encounter either makes u stronger or weaker... to me, i found out that I emerge out to hav the former one, n i am still doing fine, n i wish U too...
I hav a fantastic time with my ex-Hall7 mates today... though we played each other up, acting like a joker, but we felt great belonging with each another, n i am sure we are 好知己。
I found that there are some distinct differences between the higher-end ppl n the lower-end/moderate ppl... the former ones are precarious n wary, n are most of time restrained by their perturbed&mixed feelings towards the surroundings.( such as wat others may feel of them?) I feel sorry for them as they are protective of themselves n are in constant protective mode. Perhaps, they got to get out n experience the 'Wear n Tear' of the world in order to survive strong n stronger...the latter ones are frank n straightforward,yet they are simple whom can be real good life-long frenz, because they had emerged as winners in the "Wear n Tear' of the world and hav feelings to the poor& the lost.The latter ones, I Solute U!
Therefore, which group do U belong to?
I wonder!
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