Bit by bit I carve out!

Two days ago, out of blue, I called my frenz for a running session, though knowing in mind that I had a TCM test on the coming day. I was about to call it off, when my another call to them helped me to go for it, though a little reluctantly. Nonethelessly, it turned out as an enlightening to me.
Without much saying(since we've known each other for more than a decade--name:HG), we started the running with a mild warm-up( My favourite warm-up is a push-up position in order to circulate my blood enough to my brain, pls, pardon for being such biological,hahaaa...)..
Go, we ran! One of my frenz was a slow runner, he ran at his best pace, but was below his best standard ever after the release of Army. I felt sad, though, not only for him, but for myself, as I once was a near Gold Medalist in the SISPEC, with only 8 secs to go for my 2.4km run.I THREW MY ALL tat time!Another fren was better and was a short-distance runner, I felt. His pace had changed at the beginning the race then,as I found unsound consistency in him. He left us far behind on the fourth run, which I found it hard to catch up. I was in disbelief then, as I would normally catch up be then, in all the previous races. After the 4th run,I found myself in a delima. I wondered whether I should just call it a day(give up) or at least keep the run on by walking, or at most jogging, though it might be not tat fast. Bit by bit, I ran, n at the same time,I re-consolidated my thought. I MOVED ON with JOGGING, I told myself. As I ran slower,discovering my stamina was poorer nowadays, a girl PASSED BY/OVERTOOK me! I was SHOCKED, totally IN AWE. There was no hard feeling for tat, just tat I found I was so much slow, tat I could't believe myself in front of my own eye. YES, she OVERTOOK me, completely. Hoorays to her!!!
As I dragged my both feet on, I thought of this run, this run is just like a life, you can develop it by being consistent, or you can destroy it at a decieving will. It's all on YOUR hands. As life moves on, there are bound to have obstacles, be it different types of undesiring people or things, YOU can choose to take it as a GIFT or, YOU can choose to take it as a DOWNFALL. I believe, a GIFT will be nice, won't it?
Cheers, for all the Bravo Runner, You're GREAT!