
lately, feelin is always not rite! dun noe whY.. just tat i am really tired of everything, study is so hard for me, when seeing everyone ard me so engrossed to their work, n me cant understand a single stuff, the feelin really pisses me off.. i yearn for help.........
think tat the real help comes from the ONE sitting on High!
my ntu hall rmmie is goin to leave me tmr as he going to move back hm.. n i wonder how am i going to survive as he is always a source of help n 靠山, just hope tat the rest of my hall frenz will be there for me when i need them...
maybe there are different stages of life bound with diff level of crisis.. my crisis rite now is to get over the study n realign my path rite n keep on looking forwards bah...
JUST wish u all happy, n u can dun bother abt me when u see me in the state of blur n unsureness, 'coz, maybe i blacked out then...
i believe 没有回应的时候,也可当作你在为我加油!