A lot better without it, isn't it?

look great rite?
tat pic on the left?
in life, sometimes, it' s not a bad choice for giving up. Giving up may be a gd choice if u know tat's gd for u n others. U may not like it, but it will definitely be a nice decision if u wanna hv less pain n less sleepless nites.
At the start, it really kills me off, but slowly it will drain me away from it, making me numb from it, n slowly grow away from it.
yah, tat's wat i call being independent. just be sure of yourself n be able to live with or without it freely..
u seems to like it, but it doesn't appeal to u,then why not call it a miss? life is still normal without it, n there r a lot better than tat, isn't it?
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