An interestin comment abt Mi!

I was told to constantly updated by 1 of my special frenz today..After thinkin through of i can write for today's daily life, i found nothin 2 wrote abt, as today is my free day lo..
but never-the-less, i found somethin to wrote abt myself.
tat was quite some times back( a month ago, i guess), when a frenz of mine, uttered some words which I at first thought was just a passing remark, but after some deep thought, i found that could be true n real lor.
"Jimmy, u look like a gangster,a lower class 1...!"
I took a closer look on my mirror n surprisingly n yet really i discovered that:"Yah!Man! i am a gangster!"
Perhaps, with my dyed hair n some hightlighted strands, n not forgettin that little slanting tail behind which was so obvious when viewed from behind, attribute to that gangster look i asembled to..Perhaps, u can see from that photo bah!..
But, deep inside i am not that gangster, as i truly know who is in cotrol n believe He will always be..
Wish u will hv a gd laugh when u c me ard n not mentionin that comment, ahaha..
Remember tat " to love at all is to be vulnerable"...
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